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Interview Tips

At Shared Apprenticeships, we receive hundreds of applications and shortlist only a few so it’s a good sign if you have been invited to interview - well done!  We spend a lot of time shortlisting and arranging meetings so please do turn up at the agreed date and time - we won’t bite!  And please only apply if you really want to be considered and not because someone told you to – trust us, it will only go wrong.

Common interview questions

  • Tell me about a difficult decision you have had to make and how you dealt with it.
  • Do you have any experience that might help you in this job?
  • Why do you want to pursue this job/career?
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  • Have you had any positions of responsibility?
  • Describe yourself in 3 words.
  • What have you done that you are most proud of?
  • Can you give an example of when you worked as part of a team?

Things your interviewer(s) will expect you to do:

  • Smile
  • Shake hands - firm handshake goes a long way!
  • Make eye contact
  • Say hello and introduce yourself
  • Speak formally - e.g. 'yes' instead of 'yeah'
  • Don't chew gum
  • Dress smartly
  • Don't swear
  • Sit without slouching
  • Show interest
  • Answer questions as fully as possible
  • Speak clearly
  • Turn off your phone

Interview do's and don't's


  • Dress smartly, look bright and attentive, and speak clearly and confidently. First impressions really do count.
  • Research the role and organisation.
  • Prepare examples of your skills and competencies.
  • Find out where the venue is beforehand, how to get there and how long it takes.
  • Get your outfit ready the night before.
  • Take your time when answering the questions: make sure you understand the question and take your time if you need to think.
  • Quote real answers of when you have used certain skills - just saying you have got skills isn't enough.
  • Prepare some questions to ask at the end of the interview - use it as an opportunity to find out more about the company and the role.


  • Be late.
  • Swear or use slang words.
  • Slouch in your seat or do anything that makes you look uninterested.
  • Lie - the interviewer may see through you. Even if you get the job, your employer can dismiss you if they find out you have not been honest.
  • Let your nerves show too much; a few nerves are normal but extreme nerves will affect your performance. Use breathing techniques and try to remember that it's not a life and death situation.
  • Be arrogant and assume you've got the job. Nothing turns employers off more than someone who is disrespectful and over-confident.
  • Argue with the interviewer, no matter what. Remember to keep things positive!

